Audit Reports: Detailed Insights for Effective Compliance and Improvement

Audit Reports

Our audit tool supports you in processing a complex audit report and action plan for implementing the audits. The tool provides transparency amidst the complexity of the reviewed information.

 - Trigonum - Managementsysteme für Informationssicherheit und Datenschutz auf Basis Mircosoft 365

Keep all actions in view

The audit tool assists you in processing complex audit reports and action plans for implementing audits. The tool provides transparency amidst the complexity of the reviewed information. It controls and monitors the processing of individual actions and generates necessary key figures for evaluating the audit. Additionally, this tool enables internal audits and supports external audits by allowing access to available information within the tool.

If you have questions about the audit tool, contact us!

 - Trigonum - Managementsysteme für Informationssicherheit und Datenschutz auf Basis Mircosoft 365
Direct Contact with Trigonum:
+49 40 3199 1618 0
Trigonum GmbH
Notkestrasse 9
22607 Hamburg

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